There is perhaps no creature more community-oriented than the honey bee, living and working in their busy hive with a common, collective purpose. And bees, it seems, have an innate power to bring us together, too.
We are always on the lookout for sustainable programs that benefit our environment, add value to our rental communities, and help people connect. When the idea of bees landed in our offices, we were literally abuzz with excitement.
Honey bees have an incredible power to draw out people’s curiosity and create a sense of community.
Our Townline Buzz initiative is a new program that began at Townline’s Hudson Mews rental property in Victoria, where two hives and 27,000 bees are busily producing honey and benefiting the local environment. Now, we’re rolling out the bee program across all our upcoming rental projects as they complete in the coming years. We hope that Townline rental homes will become known in our communities for our amazing bees!